Thursday, October 22, 2015


Happy Dussehra

It is the occasion of Dussehra. As all of us are aware, Dussehra is the festival celebrated predominantly representing the victory of good over evil. Dussehra is also known as Vijayadashmi.

It was on Dussehra that Lord Shri Ram defeated Ravana & gained victory. The word "Dussehra" is derived from the Sanskrit word dasha-hara, referring to defeat of 10-headed demon king, Ravana. Every year we celebrate Dussehra by burning an artificial makeup of Ravana, to mark the victory of Lord Ram & the victory of the good over the bad.

Dussehra, same day referred to as Vijaya Dashmi, is the day after Navaratri, the 10th day, when Goddess Durga gains victory over the demon
Mahishasura & retreats to her home, where she then rests. Durga mata, being the most powerful goddess of all- after a severe battle with the demon for nine nights & ten days, finally gains victory over him- again a mark of victory of the  shakti over the asura. Commonly referred as Vijayadashmi, it means Vijay (victory) on dashmi (the tenth day). 

Dussehra is also said to be the day when the 12 years of Vanvaas & one year of Agnyatvaas of Pandavas ended & they retrieved their weapons,  revealing their true identities & defeated the Kauravas . 

Dussehra is considered one of the most holy days, the most auspicious & magnificent day for starting anything new- one of the most shubha divas in Hindu Mythology.

Going by all the theories & stories related to Dussehra (& Vijayadashmi), one thing is what dominates the occasion - & that is- the victory of the good over the evil; the triumph of strength over weak; the celebration of victory of the righteous over the wrong; the day for new beginnings.

So this Dussehra, let us burn the negative things- the things which bring out the demons in us, the things which are ill-willed, the things which mar us & our society- let us burn the following ten things down & gain vijay over them. 

Here I state few of the most simple things which we as Indians need to burn to ashes, which shall prove to be a win of good over the bad:-

1. Ego - 
Though most of us don't admit it, but all of us have egos- egos that mar ourselves & the people we love. There is a fine line between ego & self respect. Go for the latter & burn the former. 

2. Hypocrisy-
We all are becoming a master at being hypocrites. Most of the times we are so confused & so double faced, that we don't even realise we are being hypocrites. So the next time, before you give your opinion over anything, think for once thoroughly- if you have a double stand or are truly true. Quit being a hypocrite.

3. Caste'ism' & Religion'ism' -
These two are a part of the biggest curses to our Indian society. We are all humans, all born the same. We weren't branded when we came to life. These two aspects should be able to differentiate only to the extent of cultural differences- such as practices or dressing etc.  Religion should only help you in discovering your faith, not to differentiate yourselves from somebody else. Similarly, caste shouldn't play a big role in your life- all are equals & should be treated as one. We shouldn't let political parties take shelter under casteism voting. Don't brand individuals as a hindu, muslim; nor as Brahmin or kshatriya. Brand them as human beings. If we stop differentiating amongst people on the basis of the caste they were born in (on which they had no control, neither any achievement) that is when we can truly become one & stand by the quote "unity in diversity". 

4. Gender Inequality-
Stop differentiating between a man & woman. They are different only biologically, & nothing more. India is agreeably making great progress on this front, & there is tremendous improvement in the recent years, but we still have a lot more to go. The day when we would talk of a man & a woman as only two physically distinct species, is the day our society shall stand liberated. 

5. Sexual Inequality-
By this I mean, treat all men & women alike, no matter what their sexual preferences are. A gay or a lesbian are only words to name- like a "man" & a "woman"- & nothing more. Don't dictate their preferences. It is their personal choice- they are free to chose their own happiness, like everybody else. Don't judge them based on the bedroom preferences. 

6. Herd mentality-
We Indians have the typical herd mentality syndrome. Whatever we see most of the people doing, we do the same. Whatever the major mass of people follow, we believe & follow. Stop being a victim of the herd mentality- have your own opinions- WEAR your own opinions, & also respect the opinions of people who don't have them similar to yours. Don't blindly follow things without actually understanding- for example, changing your facebook profile pictures when you don't even exactly know the issue.

7. Sexual Abuse-
Tremendous peaks of sexual abuse we have achieved. Be it rapes, harassment, eve teasing, lecherous glances, marital rapes,  anything. Statistics of 2014 state that every day at least  92 women are raped in India. Every girl has at least once, experienced sexual abuse in one of the many forms. This needs to be stopped. Educate your kids about it. Stand up. Create awareness. Teach your sons to not violate person of anybody, teach your girls self defence. Teach yourself to stand by the victims. Learn that it isn't the girls' fault- no matter what she wears or where she goes. 

8. Thoughtlessness towards the Environment-
We need to take immediate strong steps to save our environment. Save trees- don't print every thing. Save animals- don't kill. Save birds- don't cage. Save ozone - don't pollute. Save wildlife- don't deforest. Save water- don't waste.

9. Acting Dumb -
As much as we all are educated, we must be smart enough to understand that hitting likes on a poor boys picture on facebook won't really help him financially. We are smart enough to understand we don't need selfies for supporting causes. We are intelligent enough to know that acting before thinking & researching is not the right way. What we need is to think. Think if your such actions would really make the difference. As far as I understand, not those, but actually going out & doing something is what will bring the change. Sitting & hitting likes on facebook- that's the lazy man's way to feel good & indulge in self-righteousness without having to take any efforts.

10. Being Offended-
As much as I stand by the fact that we all should wear our opinion, but we should also be aware that we needn't get offended at everything. Make people know your views of course- but in a way that doesn't hurt them, in a way that does not create a riot, in a way that doesn't sound inappropriate. Argue, but with logic, facts & decency. Don't just go around firing your tongue with whatever you feel in the heat of the moment. 

I feel & believe that these are truly some of the biggest demons today in our society. & our future would depend on our actions right now.

So what better day than today to start with? Get all these negatives out of your system, try to be better & create awareness about them- & by next Dussehra, we might have already gained victory- with our strength & strong will- a victory of good over bad, a victory of right over the wrong... A victory of good over evil. 

A victory of truth & humanity. 

(Disclaimer: Pictures taken from GoogleImages, Pinterest.)

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