
Friday, October 30, 2015

A Sprinkle of Motivation (13-small-tips)

A Sprinkle of Motivation

At times, all of us feel low. Many times, we feel dejected...lost. Sometimes we also get tempted to give up, & some of us even do.

I am only twenty three, but I have gone through a lot of ups & downs until now. Some of them might not even be as huge as it might seem to a person in his thirties, or some might be huger than I found them to be, to a person in his teens. But for me, they mattered. Struggles & problems are all a matter of your own feeling towards it. All of us tend to feel that our struggle was worth the story. & it is! Because only you know what you had to go through during the tough period.

However, not always do we summon up the courage to keep going through the struggles. & I like to believe its only a matter of some motivation. Some confidence.

So here are a few tips to help you achieve your dreams, to go through your struggles, & something really tiny from me to boost your confidence by a pint.

1. Set Definite Goals-

The first & foremost important thing is to set definite goals. Be sure what exactly is it that you want. If it is that one degree, or that single position at a distinct company or your distant dream. Set a goal of what you want exactly. & keep it achievable. Don't make goals that wont be logical possible. Aiming to open a billion dollar company within a week- it’s not practically possible right? Set goals & keep them well achievable. Because this helps you in 1. Knowing which direction to head to and 2. Knowing its possible to achieve, practically.

2. Set a time frame-

Schedule out your dreams, your ambitions, your motto's. Keep it reasoned & keep it timed. For example, you can decide that you just have to get that degree completed by 2015. Or that you will get a new job by 2016. Things like that. Make a flow chart consisting of years, down to say 5 years. Stick it in your closet. Every time you see it, it will remind you not only of your ambitions, but also the time you have and the position where you presently stand. Also, keep the time frame practical & short. Don't make a chart for up to 10 or 15 years. It gets difficult & messy. Not to mention 10 years can change a lot of things on its own. Plan medium term- like say, the next 3 or 5 years.

3. Make your surroundings motivational-

Become a bit artsy & engage in renovating your surroundings to something that will ooze motivation. For example, in my room, I have stuck up a poster which says "Your Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do" with my dream written right below it. Every time I look at it, I realize I need to work harder for my own dreams to work out. & trust me, these things help. It works as a silent motivation on itself.

4. Be Positive-

Always be positive. This has been a thoroughly repeated quote & a tried & tested method. Thinking positive creates positivity around you & enhances the chances of occurrence of the thing you are wishing for. It has been scientifically proved. Also, positive thinking psychologically motivates you, makes you feel good & creates hope in your mind & heart- making you find achieving your goal easier & possible.  Surround yourself with people who exude positivity.

5. Remove Negativity-

As much as its important to be positive & think positive, it is also important to remove all the negative within you & around you. Don't look at the darker side. Stay away from depressing things. Distance yourself from people who give out negative vibes. Eradicate people who always complain & fret.

6. Dream Big-

Always have a big dream. Don't settle for something that's simple & easy. I do not mean that you set humongous goals- as that would be contradictory to my point no.1. But have dreams that look good enough- dreams that involve your struggle- dreams that when achieved, will make you proud of yourself. A person aspires at climbing a mountain, not a hill right? Ditto for our dreams. Have dreams that make you pull up your socks and assure you a deep sense of satisfaction. I once read somewhere, have dreams that make you uncomfortable- if they don't, its time you dream bigger.


7. Imagine -

Imagination works wonders. Keep imagining yourself in the position you wish yourself to be in. Imagine the sense of pride. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction. Imagine the glory of success. It will only tempt you to work harder & reach out to finishing your set goals.

8. Get a Pusher -

Yes, find a pusher for yourself. & by pusher I mean literally a person who will push you. Every time you think of giving up, that person will push you to go on. Every time you feel miserable, that person will show you the better side. Every time you feel you cant do it, he will give you the confidence that you can. Trust me, a pusher is very important in everybody's life. I bet we all have one. Just find yours & always listen to him.

9. Don't Compare-

Don't compare with anybody. Especially with your peers- be it your friends or be it your colleagues. Comparing only has a negative impact. You tend to see how the other person has flourished & you feel a pinch over to yourself. Comparing yourself with somebody else makes you look at yourself in a miserable light, & it does everything else, but motivate you. Compete, don't compare. Because when you compete, you look at the hardships positively with a "I can do it" attitude. But when you compare, you look at the loopholes & negativity.

10. Set A Role Model-

Set a role model for yourself. Everybody should have one role model- where he/ she wishes to go. When I was younger, I had visited my dad's office & seen one of the director drinking tea in a golden colour cup (while rest of others were served tea in ordinary cups) . That's when I decided that I wanted to reach a position where I could drink tea from a ‘golden cup’- that position, that power, that respect. It still motivates me every time. Oh, & don't just have any role model- have one whose success story is something to be awed of- who has achieved what he has after struggles, after winning over the demons. A self made role model. A success story that you can relate & put yourself in their shoes & look at it to keep going.

11. Don't Give Up-

No matter what,never ever give up. No matter how hard the condition is, no matter how impossible it seems to continue, no matter how much it kills you to go on. But still, keep going. Keep moving. Of course, you can halt once in a while to recollect yourself. But don't ever give up. Remember, giving up will only cause a regret later in life. It might seem as the best & convenient option presently, but it isn't. Rather, its the worst option. History evidences that whenever a person has given up, he has always ended up regretting it. & regret for given up chances is a bigger sorrow than the happiness of achieving a goal.

12. Give Yourself Time-

You don't have to keep struggling the entire time. Give yourself breaks once in a while. When you know that its breaking you to your ends- take a pause, breathe & then carry on again with a bit more vigor. We are all humans & its completely justified to be tired of the struggles once a while. Its also completely fine to give yourself some pampering. But only for a while- rather,only for the really required time. Even a three hour movie has an interval. We are still humans struggling! We deserve an interval too in midst. However remember that an interval in a movie lasts only for a very short time & that is why it feels good. Ditto about breaks in life- have only as much as extremely necessary. Remember it is a break- don't make it a comfort zone. Take it only as a perk for your struggle, not as a prize for your efforts.

13. Believe in yourself-

This is the most important thing to do. Believe in yourself. There is nothing that you cannot do. There are a lot of things that you excel in, a lot of things which come good to you. If you can be a master in one such thing, then why cant you be a maestro in various others. Its all only a matter of self faith. When you believe in yourself, you exude confidence.  & when you have confidence, everything seems achievable. & when things look achievable, you go & achieve them. It's a cycle which links on but starts only with your self belief. Remember, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going."

If you have the will power, a dream & some courage, nothing in this world is impossible to achieve. Just a sprinkle of motivation, & the world is yours!

1 comment:

  1. Problems and hurdles these are two different factors; which motivated and encourage us for success. We should develop our skilled under pressure and problems; without facing any problems we are unable to learn skilled things. Here this article also describes some beneficial facts about how to stay motivated and refine our skills; thanks for such a wonderful article with fruitful instructions.
    Creativity Coach
